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Pirate Hunt Jhelom Wed. June 24th 7pm cst

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 9:53 pm
by Thom Jameison
Pirate Hunt Jhelom Wed. June 24th 7 pm CST

Governor Thom Jameison of Jhelom is hosting a Pirate Hunt . Adventurous souls should meet on the East Jhelom docks ready to seek out and destroy pirates.
Ships will be on hand and supplied to take on extra crew members. All privateers who wish to bring their own ships and crews are invited to join in the hunt . Everyone is encouraged to join Governor Jameison “the Just” in his quest to send Pirate scum to Davy Jone's Locker!
So what ever you are doing this coming Wed., put down that book or bottle of ale and grab your sword, bow or favorite Dragon and help us make the seas safe for righteous, law abiding citizens of Sosoria.
Free food and drink will be provided after the event at Susie’s Tavern in Jhelom. A bounty of 10,000 gold will be paid for each pirate death certificate that is gathered during the hunt.

Thom Jameison
Governor of Jhelom