The Desert Spear...

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Posts: 6
UO Shard: Great Lakes
Character Age: 0

The Desert Spear...

Post by Meleria » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:38 pm

Lightning lite up the sky, and as if on query the sky opened; Rain fell from the sky as if the gods were pouring buckets from the sky. Wind blew in from the west, pushing the rain on an angle. As the wind picked up the figure perched on top of the spire shifted left and then right, almost losing its balance.

Meleria looked down from the spire, and spotted the spear. She hated the sight of that weapon, but it was the weapon she knew the best, and in this desert one did not walk around with a weapon they did not know to its fullest potential.

In the distance lightning stuck another pillar. On contact the pillar exploded into chucks of rock and dust, raining large rocks down on the orcs below. Meleria didn't look that way she just smiled as she heard a familiar grunt and then the sound, that resemble a bug being stepped on. "Well guess Xorlk won't be bugging me anymore" she thought.

"FOCUS" the voice screamed in her head. She shut her eyes again, not that it matter she couldn't see much. Her version was blurred, she could make out shadows of a person but that was about it, fast movement was hard to follow. Which made it all but impossible for her to track a weapon, and for a person who parried with a weapon, that became a problem.

She begin to drift off back to that night, it had pained her, but she deserved it......


For days after she was cured she had wonder the desert, looking for something. The man or thing that had trained her, her whole life had betrayed her. He used her to get close to he thing he wanted the most, some stupid artifact. Once he received it, he all but disappeared, and by disappearing that meant she was alone, for the first time in her life, truly alone.

Two months after her cure, Meleria came upon a small village of orcs, from a distance she watched as they moved though the village gathering. It amazed her that these creatures had a form of socialites to them. She watched as the women gather the kids around the fire, and the males were cutting skins off animals, it sicken her to think that they creatures, had a sociality. Perhaps she could join them, she laugh quietly to herself, the thought of her... in a orc camp.

In that moment all hell broke lose, she heard the sound right before she felt the pain. CRACK! Meleria swung around as the world rushed at her, and the she noticed the land didn't rush to her, she was fallen. Hitting the ground she spun herself around and caught a spear tip to her cheek. Orcs tons of them, were surrounding her, she laughed at her problem. Two minutes ago, she was thinking about joining them, and now she was about to die. And that is when she heard it, and soft whispering voice, "call for me" she looked around but had no time to react as another spear slide into her shoulder. "Call for me!" the voice was loud this time, and Meleria was still looking around for the source. "Bloody hell girl, do I need to do everything!" there was a small white flash and something appear to her right.

Sitting to her right as a small metal object, to her at that point it look liked a rock, picking it up she realized how light it was. "Ask and i will form" Meleria was confused, had this rock just spoken to her. But with no time to think it though, Orc rushed at her, She throw up to rock hoping to just shield herself, given her a little time to think. Closing her eyes, she heard the sound of metal against metal. She looked up in shock, were the rock was, now stood a solid heater shield. Light as a feather but had repelled the weapon with little affort.

"Ask and I will form" Meleria understand now. Jumping to her feet she yelled Warfork... and the shield became a Warfork. Smiling at herself, she laugh. "Okay Orcs... my turn!" and then she charged.


"FOCUS I SAID!" Meleria snapped awake, still perch on top of the pillar, she listened to the wind. She knew four hundred yard and closing was a Orc war party. They must have be pretty pissed off, that the last war party was killed by a single blind woman. Closing her eyes she thought back again...


Meleria looked around at all the dead corpses. Minutes ago she was convince she would die, now she stood holding a pure white warfork in her hand. She thought quietly to herself, white will stand out in the desert, brown would be better but I'll... her eyes widen, before her eyes the warfork changed colors, now it was a dark brown.

"I told you ask and I will form, I just prefer white" Meleria thrown down the warfork. It was Raven!

"I'm not raven girl, Raven is coming though, and I've come to help you prepare yourself. My name is Falcon, and I've come at your request... Ask and I will form!"


Three weeks had gone by since she had met Falcon, this being was much different then Raven. The Object could form any weapon Meleria asked for, change color, and for some reason couldn't take control of her unless she said okay.

But still Meleria didn't trust her, how could she? The man or being who taught her, had betrayed her after years, and now this being, came into her life. Falcon the Guardian of Life, opposite of Raven, was going to help her defeat Raven but she still didn't trust her. At night Falcon would disappear, Meleria would ask the next morning where she had gone but Falcon just replied to take care of busy, but never follow me.

Tonight though that would change, she was going to finally get to the bottom of this being, she would follow Falcon and finally find out what she was up to.

As the chill of night creep in, Falcon disappeared from Meleria's hand. Waking up she waited two minutes and then followed. Within seconds she found the object sitting on a rock, It was saying something she couldn't make out, she moved closer to hear better and that is when it happened. There was a blight white light, Meleria's eyes filled with pain as if a hot poker was being pushed into her eyes.


That was the night she lost her sight, that was the night she would begin to learn to fight without her eyes.

The war party closed in on her location, and begun to surround the pillar, Meleria only smiled. She stood up and held her hands out, it was time. Taken a deep breath she jumped, FALCON! WARFORK!! A pure white warfork appeared, and Meleria landed in the middle of the pack,

"Its time!"
0 x


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